About Us ❤

Shade Tea Tees is a T-Shirt brand that enables the wearer to tell the world who they are without uttering a single word. When a shade tea tees T-shirt is worn it is the customer’s chosen TRUTH!!  You're telling the world who you are, what your plans are, what you value most, and your goals. It solves the growing issue of living a life within the title or category others see for you rather than one you envision for yourself. Our Tribe of customers is any and everyone.

Shade Tea Tees Co. (STTC) is a T-shirt brand, inclusive of everyone no matter their economic status, culture, ethnicity, or gender identity. We enable all people to be proud of who they are without having to say a single word. Shade Tea Tees Co. Periodic’s of Life Collection plays off of the periodic table of elements. Essentially making everyone who wears a Shade Tea Tee design an essential part/element of the greater fabric of society, human existence (as it is to them).

Each symbol has a deeper meaning in its Atomic Number and Atomic Mass that resonates with people in many different ways. We instill in our customers the acceptance of their individual truth, without question or judgment allowing everyone (anyone) to be who they are, who they’re working to be, and what they hold dear– unapologetically.

So... What's your Symbol?


Love, Peace & Shade Teas Tees,